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Top 5 tools to build your cohort-based course

Cohort-based courses are designed for a group of people who will be learning together. The courses are usually taught by a tutor, who provides feedback and assistance to the learners. The idea is that learners will become more confident in their abilities and improve their skills faster than if they were learning on their own.

The aim of cohort-based courses is to provide a peer group for learners to interact with and learn from each other, as well as the tutor. So if you are interested on creating one, you must first know the tools needed to build a cohort-based course.

Why tools are used in cohort-based courses

Tools in cohort-based courses can be used to help students with their learning process. They can provide a social networking platform and also provide feedback on what the student is doing wrong and how they can improve on it. This blog will tackle the Top 5 tools to build your cohort-based course.

  1. ConvertKit – ConvertKit is a powerful and flexible email service provider that is designed for persons who have a medium to large audience. It offers the ability to split test subject lines, set up auto responders, and send broadcasts to targeted groups of contacts.

  2. AirTable – AirTable is the top tool for student records. It is a user-friendly platform that allows educators to create and store their data in one place. Data such transcripts, attendance records, grades and more.

  3. Slack – Slack is a messaging app that helps teams stay in touch through conversations. It was originally designed for offices and teams, but it has now become the go-to communication tool for remote students as well. Slack can be used to chat with colleagues, share documents and media files, and send messages to specific people or groups of people.

  4. Notion – Notion is a project management and note-taking software that offers a range of features. It is designed for teams and individuals who need to collaborate on projects in real-time. It can be used for tracking tasks, creating documents and presentations, taking notes and more.

  5. Canva – Canva is a graphic design software that is used to create presentations, infographics, and other types of graphics. It has a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy for beginners to start designing right away. It is also a great alternative to expensive desktop design software like Photoshop or Illustrator. It has an intuitive interface with pre-set templates that make it simple to create professional-looking designs for your cohort-based course.

All these tools might be free and have a lot of features you may need. But it also takes a lot of time to set up – which can be a hassle. Fortunately, Let’s Level Up integrates all the functionalities these tools can give you. If you want to know more, visit and start your cohort-based course today!

In this day and age, the traditional way of learning is not enough to keep up with the fast-paced world we live in. It is time for us to change the way we learn today. We need to rethink our approach to education and start building new methods that are more in tune with what students need. Cohort-based courses are one way to do this.

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